Getting Started With Networking
Why Are You Networking?
Why “Why” Is Important
Before getting started with any task, project, or goal, it is imperative to know why you are doing it. It is easy to get caught up in activities and forget what you are trying to accomplish, but having a strong “why” is most important. It serves as the compass that guides you from start to finish. This compass keeps you focused and motivated on your goal and helps you navigate every decision you make through the process.
Motivation – It is easiest to be motivated at the start of something new, but that motivation quickly wears off, especially when what you’re working towards doesn’t have immediate gratification. Networking falls in this bucket since it requires a long-term commitment and no quick guarantees of tangible benefits. This is why it is critical to have a strong “networking why.” Reminding yourself why you’re choosing to focus on networking and what benefits it can generate will help you keep it a priority. In addition, you need to constantly remind yourself of how important it is to your long-term success to keep your motivation up. Staying motivated will keep you on track and help you find success.
Decision Making – We are faced with so many decisions on a day-to-day basis, and it can be challenging to know what to do if you don’t have a clear “why.” For example, let’s say you are an accountant that started out networking to learn more about the different career paths within accounting. Now, when it comes time to get out and meet people, you are faced with the question, “Who should I meet with?”. Because you are clear about your “why,” the answer is simple. You need to focus on meeting with accounting professionals in different areas of the industry. Not lawyers, not bankers, etc. Immediately, you have guidance on where to go. While this is a very basic example, it illustrates how knowing your “why” can aid you in the decision-making process and make you more likely to succeed at achieving your goal.
Final Thought
Having a strong “why” is critical to achieving any goal. Networking is no different. Make sure to have a strong “networking why” and continuously remind yourself of it to keep yourself on track.